TimBarrier� Aesthetic Timber Barriers
For individual flyers for a specific TimBarrier product, click the appropriate link below. For
information regarding full CAD drawings on either CartGuard, LotGuard or StreetGuard, e-mail Charlie Coleman at charlie@sistoreylumber.com
When Aesthetics Count
TimBarrier� Aesthetic Timber Barrier is a system of three barriers designed to fulfill the needs of architects and developers who require a safe, economical and most importantly, aesthetic guardrail.
Before TimBarrier�, every time a guardrail or barrier was needed in an aesthetically sensitive area, the architect or engineer had to "invent" one. This resulted in a myriad of "one-of" designs requiring field fabrication that, when installed, generally fell short of the designer's intention and the owners' expectations.
TimBarrier� solves this problem. Be it along a low speed street, driveway, parking area, or golf course cart path, TimBarrier� has a design to meet your need.
The TimBarrier� System
The success of TimBarrier� is in the system. Completely pre-fabricated at our manufacturing facility, every TimBarrier� aesthetic timber barrier arrives at the
job ready for installation. However, not only are the timber components pre-fabricated, to complete the system, we supply all the hardware and fasteners. When you
specify TimBarrier� the architect and engineer are assured that the barrier will have a uniform appearance and structural integrity throughout the job while allowing the contractor to focus on layout and construction. TimBarrier� is the "win-win" solution for aesthetic barrier.
To provide years of service TimBarrier� utilizes materials tested and proven in highway construction. Posts and rails are pre-fabricated from #1 S4S southern pine and preservative treated in accordance with American Wood Preservers" Association (AWPA) standard C14 Wood for Use in Highway Construction. To complete the aesthetic effect, Corten "weathering steel" is used for all fasteners and splice plates. "Weathering steel", commonly used in bridge construction for its exceptional strength, produces its own coating of protection as it weathers. This results in a more desirable rustic appearance over time than galvanized fasteners and steel.

On The Road
Designed to meet the special needs of Developers and land planners, StreetGuard� is the safety barrier solution that enhances the landscape. Intended for use along low speed roadways in parks, private developments and sub-divisions, StreetGuard� is the aesthetic alternative to traditional galvanized steel W-beam guardrail |
Similar in concept to the steel backed timber barrier used in national parks, StreetGuard� was designed to utilize
conventional timber components and less steel, resulting in an aesthetic barrier that installs quickly and easily at a price that won't break your budget.
StreetGuard� is, by design, an aesthetic barrier. It is intended to be utilized in applications where vehicle speeds do not exceed 25 mph.
Click Here to view the Engineering Evaluation for StreetGuard as evaluated by the Texas Transportation Institute.

Around the Border
For lighter duty applications, LotGuard� continues the basic TimBarrier� concept at a more economical cost. Intended for use along driveways and parking lots, LotGuard� maintains bumper height protection utilizing a downsized post and rail.
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The LotGuard� design is extremely flexible. The less massive timber components permit the architect to take full advantage of TimBarrier� splice plate technology to make tight radius turns. With TimBarrier� no special cutting or mitering is required, the splice plate bends and adapts automatically for each angle of turn. This feature keeps the barrier uniform and speeds installation.

On The Course
Designed to meet the needs of the golf and recreation industry, CartGuard� provides golf course professionals and recreational planners an aesthetic solution
for enhancing safety of cart paths or to restrict intrusion of carts and vehicles into sensitive areas. The CartGuard� rail height of 16" permits golfers and
pedestrians to easily step over the barrier while providing the optimal height for golf cart protection. As with other TimBarrier� systems, CartGuard� uses plice plate technology to adapt to changes in topography while maintaining uniformity. CartGuard� is serious protection.